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When are business owners required to report a declaration of personal property with the Assessors Office?

10 Posted

When are business owners required to report a declaration of personal property with the Assessors Office?


Pursuant to Connecticut Statute 12-42, any business owning or leasing personal property within the Town of Cheshire must file their Declaration with the Assessors office no later than November 1st, annually. A twenty-five (25) percent penalty must be imposed on any business that does not file by November 1st or files without a signature by the business owner or authorized agent. The following should be reported: machinery and equipment, office furniture and fixtures, computers and computer equipment, vending machines, copiers, non-registered motor vehicles, horses, farm machinery and all other taxable personal property located within the Town of Cheshire. All farmers who derive at least $15,000 in gross sales from farming may make application to the Assessor for exemption of farm machinery, horses, or ponies which are exclusively used in farming. Exemptions will NOT be granted to those not filing an application. Declaration forms have been mailed by the Assessors Office to local busine

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.