When did the Modern Publishing on Ancient Precession Begin?
“These ideas were formulated quite recently, and show an obvious line of descent from Jung’s ideas on Astrological Ages. The trend started with two books which appeared one to two decades after Jung’s ideas were published: Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy [published 1961], R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, which covered Precession in ancient Egypt, and, Hamlets’ Mill: A Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission Through Myth [published 1969], Giorgio De Santillana, Hertha Von Dechend , which covered Precession in the Mesopotamian civilisations. These have been followed over several decades by dozens of books on a similar theme, that an ancient civilization knew of Precession and therefore there is a relevance to us. More recently, other authors have extended the concept to pre-Colombian Western hemisphere civilisations. 6: Publishing and Precession after Jung… 6a: Ancient Egypt and Precession 6b: Ancient Babylonia and Precession 6c: Mithraism and