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When I got there for the consultation, he openly told me that he did not do the Mohs procedure but did something that he thought was just as good???


When I got there for the consultation, he openly told me that he did not do the Mohs procedure but did something that he thought was just as good???


So, I was concerned, but listened carefully. First, to remind you, the Mohs procedure is where ONE person, the surgeon, is qualified in three different specialties. He is a surgeon to cut out the skin cancer. He is also a pathologist to examine the cells he has just cut out — to see if he “got it all.” And, he is a “reconstructive plastic surgeon” to handle any “deep holes” he may have had to make to cut out the cancer. The “cutting out” is simple, but worth repeating here. The surgeon takes note of where the basal call cancer is — and starts cutting it out from someone near the center. He then makes a cut in the shape of a “ring” around the outer edge of the cancer. This ring is very carefully cut out, and marked as a sample, then immediately examined under the microscope — using the skill of a pathologist. If the pathologist finds ZERO cancer cells in that ring, that is considered to have “gotten it all out.” If he finds just one cancer cell, anywhere in that ring, the man then be

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.