When is the right time to plant a Cherry Blossom Tree in MA?
Hi: Your best time to plant a Cherry Blossom tree in MA is when the ground temperature warms. Your ground is frozen and when you plant new trees or shrubs, you want to make sure the temperature is warm enough so the roots have a good environment to get established. I would wait until April in your area. If you live in a colder section of MA, you might want to wait until the latter part of April or the first of May. Your Cherry Blossom may not produce blossoms the first year, but the important thing is you get the roots established. Also, make sure you prepare the ground properly for placing the Cherry Blossom in the ground. You can add organic mushroom compost to the soil. This is a great organic fertilizer that will last up to one year. It doesn’t smell great but your tree will love it! I hope this has helped some and if you need any other suggestions, please feel free to contact me at the website. I will link you to the simple solutions section as this section has a page on planting