When was Hatshepsut born?
Dates for this famous woman are hard to calculate because we have insufficient data from the official archives of ancient Egypt. What does seem to be indisputable is that her archives and records were desecrated by Thutmosis III or by a later ruler. Why did that happen? There had to be an important reason. Later pharaohs did not normally interfere with another’s heritage. There appear to be two important exceptions in ancient Egypt – Akhenaten and Hatshepsut. The former was a religious heretic so the best explanation for Hatshepsut’s demise is that she too was a heretic. Her heresy was to worship the God of Israel after her voyage to Punt which was ancient Egypt’s general designation for Israel, Ammon, Moab and Tyre-Sidon (Phoenicia, Pun-icia, Pun-t). No doubt, as the resurrected Queen Sheba, or Jesus’ “Queen of the South”, the details of her birth etc., will be of interest to her fellow-saints in the Millennial Kingdom which will see Sheba quite possibly return to her throne as other