Where are some of the most “unthinkable” hot spots around the world today?
These spots are all over the globe. But if I had to name a few of particular relevance I would list them as: Gaza and Lebanon. Hamas and Hizb’allah not only resist Israeli attack but seem to get stronger and much shrewder the harder they are attacked. Wall Street, USA. Complex financial products designed to manage risk in fact accelerate the spread of unimagined danger through the financial system. Kyoto, Japan. A radical inventor named Shigeru Miyamoto remade the global video game business overnight by mixing up two things–video games and accelerometer chips from car airbags–into a new revolutionary game system called the Wii. South Africa. The most expensive medical campaign ever to stop the spread of TB instead has led to the creation of a new, even more deadly super bug. Russia. The end of the USSR and great economic booms didn’t produce a US and democracy friendly system, as we hoped, but rather has led to an increasingly belligerent nation. You describe Danish physicist and bio