It is hot and warm and cane toads are breeding. Waters will flood eggs and tadpoles forward into permanent billabongs where they will land, refuge, grow and wait for the next flood forwards. They do not always have to hop to move westwards up here, the floods given them a real ride. The cane toads might reach the East Kimberley this wet season if we have a big wet season. Volunteer KTB toadbusters are all pulling together in last ditch big effort in October – even out during the week nights after work and school, as well as Saturday nights – in an effort to stem the toads in these corridors and keep them from crossing from the WA/NT border for another year. If the toads do cross the border this wet season, they will do so through three of the six corridors KTB have identified and been tracking for over three years. Corridor One: (Legune Station/Keep River); Corridor Two: (Victoria Highway/Keep River); and Corridor Three: through the Stockade, Matilda and Hicks Creek systems into the Or