Where can I find more information about Open Access and repositories?
Open access publishing Open Access papers are made available online for anyone to view. They can also be viewed free of charge. Authors do not receive payment for their contributions. There are a growing number of Open Access Journals, with a journal available in most disciplines. A list of the ones currently available is provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (http://www.doaj.org/). Some publishers are now experimenting with hybrid journals, where the subscription version is still sold, but for a supplement – typically around £1500 each – an article can be made freely available. For more information on Open Access publishing, see the following: Open Access – from Eprints at the University of Southampton http://www.eprints.org/openaccess/ SHERPA: Authors and Open Access – http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/guidance/authors.html BioMedCentral – a leading open access life sciences publisher http://www.biomedcentral.com/ PLOS – the Public Library of Science http://www.plos.org/ Open Acces