Where can I get data for use in ArcView Spatial Analyst?
There are several sample data sets that are included with ArcView Spatial Analyst software. Data sets for use with the Quick Start tutorial are installed to the AVTUTOR folder and include several grids as well as shapefiles and a text file. In addition to the tutorial data, there are several large grids representing elevation and other data for Africa, Eurasia, and North America, which are included on the software compact disc (CD). The Windows® version allows you to access these grid files directly from the CD. You can also use the Source Manager to copy these grids from the CD to a workspace on your computer’s hard disk. The UNIX version CD contains these same files; however, they are compressed and can be installed by an additional installation step (outlined in the Spatial.html document). Data can also be downloaded from the Internet, purchased from data vendors, or derived from field research.