Where is Bloomsburg?
Bloomsburg University is located in the Town of Bloomsburg, one mile south of I-80 Exit 236 in north central Pennsylvania. Bloomsburg is the county seat of Columbia County and holds the distinction of being the only incorporated town in the state of Pennsylvania. The town has a population of about 12,000 people. The town has a prosperous business district with more than 80 retail merchants; major chain stores and a mall are also nearby. To arrive here: East of Bloomsburg: Use I-80 west to Exit 236A south. West of Bloomsburg: Use I-80 east to Exit 236 south. South of Bloomsburg: From Central Pennsylvania, take Routes 11 and 15 north Southeast Pennsylvania: take Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-476) to I-80 west (Pocono Exit) to Exit 236A south. North of Bloomsburg: From the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area, take I-81 south to I-80 west to Exit 236A south. The Williamsport area: take I-180 south to I-80 east to Exit 236. From Exit 236, take Route 487 south and follow signs t
Pardon my ignorance. Let me know if there are good things to eat there and we will check out. v Permalink | Reply victor lieberman Sep 02, 2001 06:38PM • re: victor lieberman Bloomsburg is in Northeast Pa, directly off I80 going west from NY, NJ. Fairly..typical fair food. We’re from Ca & find the food to be a tad heavy, fried. Apparently, some very good philly cheesesteak & have had really good homemade ice cream. However, the entire production (sans food) is extremely entertaining. Permalink | Reply Susan Sep 04, 2001 09:31AM • 1) Hewlitts for hot sausage sandwiches & cheesesteaks 2) Gross’s for French Fries 3) Berrigan’s for cold-cut hoagies. Tom Brenholts Permalink | Reply Tom Brenholts Sep 18, 2001 06:43PM • re: Tom Brenholts Thanks for the recommendations, Tom. I happened to go to their website at bloomsburgfair.com just today and took notes of people’s comments and raves on the fair’s food page. All of those places that you suggested were mentioned and we’re heading there next F