Whether foreigners can be appointed as Executive Committee members?
A.5. Foreign nationals are generally discouraged from being appointed as member of Executive Committee by an association. However, foreign nationals, fulfilling the following conditions, may be appointed as Executive Committee members, after obtaining prior permission of the Central Government: a) The foreigner is married to an Indian citizen; b) The foreigner has been living and working in India for at least five years; c) The foreigner has made available his/her specialised knowledge, especially in the medical and health related fields on a voluntary basis in India, in the past; d) The foreigner is part of the Board of Trustees/Executive Committee in terms of the provisions in an inter governmental agreement; e) The foreigner is part of the Board of Trustee/Executive Committee, in an ex-officio capacity representing a multilateral body which is exempted from the definition of foreign source. The need for such an appointment should, however, be adequately justified .