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Which determines the sex of a baby: The Mothers Egg or the Fathers Sperm?

10 Posted

Which determines the sex of a baby: The Mothers Egg or the Fathers Sperm?


The Father’s sperm always determines the sex of a baby. Here’s why: Half of the father’s sperms are “Y Chromosome” or “Boy Sperms.” The other half are “X Chromosome” or “Girl Sperms.” The Mothers’ eggs carry X Chromosomes only. If an X (girl sperm) fertilizes the egg, there will be two X Chromosomes and the baby will be a girl. If a Y (boy sperm) fertilizes the egg, the Chromosomes will be XY, meaning a boy baby. Men ALWAYS produce equal numbers of boy sperms and girl sperms. Physically, boy sperms and girl sperms are slightly different in terms of their chemistry, how large and vigorous they are, how long they live, and how fast they swim toward the egg. That’s why the Mother’s vaginal environment, through which all sperms must travel to reach the egg, is also very important. This environment, depending on the proximity to ovulation day and the mother’s body chemistry, can favor either boy sperms or girl sperms. Only GenSelect’s Fully Integrated System addresses and influences all of

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