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Which yard-based ecosystem absorbs the most carbon dioxide,an orchard,a perennial bed, or grass?


Which yard-based ecosystem absorbs the most carbon dioxide,an orchard,a perennial bed, or grass?


Interesting statistics reveal the following soil carbon sequestration capacity per hectare: Temperate grasslands 236 tonnes Tropical forests 123 tonnes Tropical savannah 117 tonnes Temperate forests 96 tonnes Croplands 80 tonnes The global estimate is that 2500 GT (gigatonnes) of carbon is sequestered in soils, compared with 550 GT above-ground (in the form of all living things, including trees) and 607 GT in the atmosphere. Under regenerative grassland management soil carbon can be built at the rate of 20-25 tonnes/hectare/year. A tree takes much longer to mature and hence much longer to reach its full carbon sequestration capacity. Given this inofrmation, it is interesting to consider whether planting trees is really the most useful action to take to provide carbon sinks. Given that the Mediterranean is a brittle landscape (Semilla Besada registers about 8 on the Savory Brittleness Scale) then we have found that perennial grass with holistically managed sheep to cycle nutrients has p

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