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Who can get help from a Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA)?


Who can get help from a Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA)?


A. Anyone receiving public benefits receives free child support services and is required to cooperate with the CSEA in establishing paternity and collecting child support. Families that do not get public benefits can apply for services with a written application. Some county CSEAs charge a $1.00 application fee, other CSEAs pay the fee for the applicant.


Anyone receiving public benefits receives free child support services and is required to cooperate with the CSEA in establishing paternity and collecting child … more


Anyone receiving public benefits receives free child support services and is required to cooperate with the CSEA in establishing paternity and collecting child support. Families that do not get public benefits can apply for services with a written application. Some county CSEAs charge a $1.00 application fee, other CSEAs pay the fee for the applicant.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.