Who did the music for the Volkswagen commercial thats set in the French Quarter of New Orleans?
We’ve gotten several questions along these lines. We typed “jetta ad music” into the Yahoo! search box and experienced an “aha!” moment when the first web page result was a news item from ravedata, a site for the DJ/dance culture. It refers to the newsgroup alt.tv.commercials for info on the soundtrack’s composer, Peter DuCharme of Somerville, Massachusetts. His assignment was to write the music after the ad was shot, at 94 beats a minute, the pace of a brisk walk. He was paid $25,000. According to the shoot’s creative director, a “click track” was used on the set to keep everyone in sync. We decided to confirm this by checking other sources. We went to Deja News, a portal site for newsgroups and forums that lets you search or browse postings by topic from thousands of online discussions. This time we typed in “vw jetta ad music.” One post led us to the Ad Critic, a cool