Who Gets Subluxations?
Almost everyone develops spinal subluxations. Fortunately, most of these subluxations correct themselves when one relaxes or lies down to sleep. When spinal subluxations are severe or persistent they require chiropractic diagnosis and treatment. The four major causes of vertebral subluxations are: 1. Congenital Instability About one out of three people are born with some kind of congenital malformation, defect, or anomaly of the spine which, if severe enough, produces a basic instability in the spine and predisposes that person to frequent or repetitive vertebral subluxations. 2. Injury An injury need not be severe to produce a vertebral subluxation. The spine can be injured in many ways: during the birthing process, as a result of sports injuries, overuse, auto accidents, etc. Children at play frequently stumble, tumble and fall, which automatically puts them at high risk of injury and vertebral subluxations. 3. Fatigue As fatigue sets in, muscle coordination dwindles and awkward unco