Who Gives Out Bad Credit Loans?
There are many ways to get money even if one’s credit is poor. For people who need short-term emergency funds, there are payday loans and cash advance operations, which do not require a credit check at all. The borrower will pay 15% more but will have the money instantly, rather than waiting for checks to clear or payday to arrive. For people who require assistance with long-term purchases like auto loans, school loans or home loans, there are other businesses specializing in these niches. Borrowers should exercise caution and check with the Better Business Bureau before getting involved with these companies, as many unscrupulous fly-by-night operations open up, leaving the poor high and dry. For people who just want better credit, a personal installment loan that can definitely be paid back on-time each month will boost one’s score. For example, there are pre-pay credit/debit cards offered by VISA that do just that. With this deal, borrowers will pay into a debit account and their pay