For those of us who are appalled by this practice it is very important to know when this despicable practice began and what lessons, if any, have been learned. As we all know from the news media there is a terrible ethnic-cleansing going on right now in Darfur in Africa. Many would lead you to believe that this practice was begun in the 1990’s by the Serbs in Bosnia. But the fact is the practice of government sponsored ethnic-cleansing, mass raping of women, and genocide was started shortly after the First World War. The newly established Turkish government initiated the mass slaughter of an estimated four million Christian Armenian, Assyrian and Greek citizens of Turkey. Several years later, in 1922, this was followed by the burning of the Christian city of Smyrna. In this massacre, Turkish nationalist slaughter over 22, 000 Greek and Armenian Christians living in that city while British naval forces looked on and the American High Commissioner at Constantinople, Admiral Mark Bristol