Who is “Little Nicola” in the movie Magical Mystery Tour, and why was she with the Beatles?
Little Nicola was just one of the characters on the MMT coach bus. The bus has many people; circus performers, dwarfs, and ordinary people. Nicola was a little girl who John had sitting on his lap, playing a game, and blowing up a balloon. She had just a minor role in the film, and really didn’t have anything to do with the Beatles. The part was played by 5 year old Nicola Hale. John was cremated when he died because Yoko feared fans would dig him up. Where are his ashes now? The other reason is so his grave wouldn’t become like Morrison’s….if you’ve been there, you know what I mean. (even if you’ve just seen a picture- the statue isn’t there anymore- the French government refused to replace it after the last time it was stolen) John himself didn’t believe in the idea of making saints of dead musicians. “They died so we might rock? Bullsh*t.” Last I heard, the ashes were buried “Somewhere in England”- an undisclosed location, possibly near his and Yoko’s first child. No, he is not un