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Who Killed Bart?

Bart Killed
10 Posted

Who Killed Bart?


Several prominent members of the Flash’s Rogues Gallery were involved in the attack which led to his death, but it’s not clear exactly who participated in the murder. Inertia planned the scheme to steal Bart’s speed, and would gladly have killed his rival. Captain Cold, Heat Wave and Weather Wizard were clearly shown blasting him with fire, ice, and lightning. Abra Kadabra was involved, but not shown during the actual murder. After that it gets a bit confusing. A panel shows Mirror Master, Trickster, and Pied Piper crowded around something unseen, with Inertia either on the ground or standing and kicking. This has been interpreted in several ways: as the pictured villains kicking an injured Bart to death, or kicking Inertia, or even Piper and Trickster going after Inertia, with Mirror Master separating them. Countdown has clearly stated that Piper and Trickster did not participate in the actual murder, which fits with their character history. (Legally, though, they’re still responsible

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