Who Pays for the Brides Bachelorette Party?
When it comes to funding, bachelorette parties usually follow a set formula: all guests attending will usually divvy up the cost between them. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the costs must be split evenly, as not everyone can afford to pitch in the same amount of money. It’s important to gather the bridesmaids and other guests together beforehand to plan out the party and organize everyone’s contribution and responsibilities. If you’re the maid of honor or the one organizing the party, it’s best to ask for money well before the actual event as you’re the one expected to make the reservation and any necessary deposits. Add up the prices for all the activities (including hotel, dinner, limo rentals, etc.) and ask each person to pitch in for the bride-to-be. This extra money should be used to cover her food, drinks, and anything extra like a deluxe spa treatment or even taking a mini-shopping spree. While it’s assumed that all of the bride’s costs will be covered at a traditional bach