Whose automobile insurance carrier pays no-fault insurance benefits?
Minnesota law sets up a priority scheme for the payment of no-fault medical expense benefits. If the patient is a driver or occupant of a motor vehicle used in the business of transporting persons or property, the insurance covering that vehicle is primary. Such vehicles do not include commuter vans; vehicles used to transport children as part of a family or group or daycare program, vehicles being used to transport children to school or to a school sponsored activity, or taxis.f In other cases, the patient must first look to the policy covering any cars that he or she owns or policies under which they are insureds. (Named insureds of someone they live with or if they live with a relative who owns a car and has insurance.) If the above does not apply, the patient would then look to the automobile insurance covering the vehicle in which they were a passenger or driver. If that does not apply, injured persons who are neither insureds nor drivers nor occupants of an involved motor vehicle