Why are post-war Humanists hysterically afraid of Nazis, Nazi descendants and Neo-Nazis ?
Post-war Humanists have destroyed Christ in Western official social life and invested in His diametric opponent, Satan. Since they do not believe in anything transcendental, they have had to make Satan immanent. As victors in world history’s worst war, they chose to make real humans representatives of his majesty Satan. They chose to make the war losers become devils, to invest the Nazis with satanism. Since the West after 1945 then is crowded with devils and devils’ children it is normal that Humanists are hysterically afraid of their own investment, of their own demonic creatures. Deep inside they know that they, the Humanists, are Satanists, investors of demonic forces into humans, creators of embodied Evilness. Humanists are afraid of themselves because of their practiced demonic capacity. They have reasons for being afraid.
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- Why are post-war Humanists hysterically afraid of Nazis, Nazi descendants and Neo-Nazis ?