Why do people drink alcoholic beverages (beer, distilled spirits, or wine)?
Positive reasons for drinking alcoholic beverages include: Celebrating significant occasions with friends or loved ones. Enhancing enjoyment of social activities and relaxation. Complementing certain meals. Participating in religious ceremonies. Enjoying the taste as a beverage of choice. Negative reasons for drinking alcoholic beverages include: Escaping from tension or worries. Blocking out painful feelings such as fear, loneliness, and self-doubt. Attempting to relate better to people. As a substitute for meaningful relationships with people. Finding courage or strength to face certain situations. What are symptoms of alcoholism? Only a qualified professional can determine if an individual is alcoholic. However, the following warning signals may indicate the presence of alcohol-related problems. Generally, these signals involve later stages of alcoholism and involve symptoms that may be unrelated to time periods and drinking patterns.