Why does San José pick up yard trimmings separately from garbage and recycling?
Yard trimmings represent about 35 percent of the City’s residential waste stream. By separating the trimmings from the garbage, the City not only avoids dumping nearly an additional 147,000 tons per year or more into its landfills, but makes a valuable product for improving soils. What if I have more yard trimmings than fit into my cart? Your yard trimmings cart lid must be completely closed when you set out your cart at curbside for collection. Place extra yard trimmings loose in the street for collection. Piles should be no more than 5 feet high by 5 feet wide, placed 1 foot from the curb, and at least 5 feet from other piles, carts, or parked cars. If you live in an off-street collection area, place any extra yard trimmings next to the cart, either: • in your own 32-gallon can labeled with a hauler-provided sticker, or • tied in a bundle, no larger than your cart.