Why does the Firefox throbber animate for a shorter or longer period than the FoxyProxy animated icon?
There are two reasons for this: • The FoxyProxy animated icon only animates when FoxyProxy routes HTTP requests through a proxy. If FoxyProxy is set to Use Proxies based on their pre-defined patterns and priorities, then some requests might not be sent through a proxy or you’ve turned off icon animation for some or all of the proxies you’ve defined. To change this, ensure the Add/Edit Proxy->General Tab->Animate icons when proxy is in use checkbox is checked for the proxies which you wish to use icon animation. • The FoxyProxy animated icon is similar but not identical to a throbber. In particular, the FoxyProxy animated icon begins animating when a resource is loaded through a proxy whose Add/Edit Proxy->General Tab->Animate icons when proxy is in use checkbox is checked. The animation continues for 800 milliseconds regardless of whether or not the resource associated with the request has completed loading.