Why doesn’t the District Master Facilities Plan address all District schools?
As noted above, all schools were studied at the beginning of the facilities planning process. The draft Master Facilities Plan did address almost all of them; see page 27, on this website: http://www.naperville203.org/assets/MasterFacilitiesPlanWeb.pdf. Some or all of these projects will be addressed as part of the annual Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget, e.g., permanent walls at Steeple Run, Scott and Maplebrook Elementary Schools. Other items identified (e.g., a junior high running track and gyms/multipurpose rooms at all elementary schools) did not garner strong support in our recent facilities survey and would require more study and input to determine future direction. That leaves four projects that required more study and possible funding in the next ten years: LRC and classroom remodeling at Beebe, movement of music classroom upstairs from the basement at Highlands, LRC and PE space remodeling at Lincoln, and LRC remodeling at Jefferson. If the referendum is approved, it i