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Why Dog Daycare?

daycare dog

Why Dog Daycare?


Dog daycare works much like a daycare center for children. In the morning, you drop your barking buddy off at the daycare center and then pick him or her up later in the day. During your dog’s stay at daycare, he or she will be able to socialize with people and other dogs. Dogs are pack animals and therefore socialization is crucial for dogs of all ages. One of the most important skills a dog can gain from daycare is socialization. For young pups that have not had a lot of interactions with other dogs, daycare gives them the chance to learn appropriate doggie manners. They learn how to communicate with other dogs, discovering how to tell when another dog wants to play and when they do not. Dogs not only learn to be social with dogs, but with humans as well. If your dog is shy, we will take time to get to know your dog. Through positive interactions, dogs will learn that humans are not so scary. Lucky Pawz promotes healthy exercise for your dog through interactions with other dogs and a

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.