why eduction is very important in our life?
Education is important in our live because through the educational process we learn who we are and get filled with knowledge. Education helps you to find friends and your place in the world. Frankly speaking, it’s hard for me to imagine that even in today’s world there are people who don’t have access to education. Moreover, in today’s business world it’s impossible to build a successful career if you aren’t educated. If you have a degree and looking for a job, services like Briton Writers may come in handy.
Education is very important in our lives for it gives us knowledge of basic skills to progress in our lives and careers. Education also gives us choices to make in what we want to do with our lives after we learn the basics. Education leads us to be solid human beings that are intellectual and creative. Education lets us think of ideas to pass along to others.
As a nursing student we took and oath to be life long learners and even though I didn’t get the nursing degree, the mantra stuck. As a working class, middle income family I would encourage anyone with these life changing decisions to make to seriously consider what they plan to do with their future. Choose a career that they will love for the rest of their lives and can do even when they have a family. Discuss your future with everyone and get everyone’s opinion, there is valuable information from everyone. Also to live comfortably in this life an education is a must. Minimum wage jobs and mid level earnings are difficult to live on especially when you have a family and childcare, home expenses etc.
As an adult I also think is important to stretch our proverbial brain muscles and learn. Take the time to learn about what interests us and our hobbies. If we stop learning or educating ourselves I believe we stop caring and then we are lost to humanity. We as people have compassion and shouldn’t lose this quality.