Why is a major boundary study being conducted after School Board elections?
The timing and calendar for all boundary studies is guided by established School Board Policy and Regulation 8130.5. Each fall, current year enrollment data are gathered and one year and five year membership projections are updated as part of the yearly Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Boundary studies also begin at this time in order to rely on the most current information for the study and not outdated information that is a year old. It is not until the fall of each school year that new school enrollment information is gathered so that projections can be revised for the next five years. The fact that 2007 is an election year does not change school policy, regulation or the timing of a boundary process. It should be noted that the town meetings scheduled for November and December are not public hearings. The town meetings are intended to inform the public about the issues and seek input from the people who may potentially be impacted by the changes to attendance areas. Under the town m