Why is Anawim a Mennonite congregation?
Anawim desires to fellowship with and be accountable to a group of believers larger than itself. But it wants to be accountable to believers who acknowledge both the foundation of Scripture and the varieties of the work of the Spirit, so that our giftings and uniqueness are not considered unacceptable. Anawim also desires to be a part of a group that recognizes that the cross of Christ is not just to be held as the means of our salvation, but is also our example of the Christian life. In its desire to live out the will of God, its service to others, its humility, its faithfulness despite persecution, and its position against hostility and vengeance, the Mennonite church has shown itself to live out the cross of Christ, even as we desire to. We affirm the Anabaptist/Mennonites to be our brethren in Christ and we gladly fellowship with them in communication, resources and love. We also fellowship with others who are faithful to Jesus in other churches: evangelical, peace, charismatic, Ca