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Why is it that libraries can legally rent out books for free, but not feature films?


Why is it that libraries can legally rent out books for free, but not feature films?


The reason many libraries ask for a fee for movie rental is because of financial difficulties. “Do you like to rent movies on DVD’s? There are many places to do this. However, if you go to the public library, you can rent them for free. I don’t know if all public libraries do this, but in Ft Lauderdale you can take out free DVD’s all the time. Check to see if your public library does this. Many people don’t know about this service, and I just learned about it a short time ago. My public library has a great many DVD’s and if you enjoy movies, you can see many at no cost to you at all with a library card.” Source and further information: “New Movie Checkout Fee to Begin Feb. 1, 2010 Due to falling tax revenues and rising costs, the library will institute a $.25 “checkout” fee for each DVD or VHS movies loaned out. This fee will apply all movie checkouts beginning February 1, 2010. The money

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.