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Why is spaying and neutering such an important part of responsible companion-animal care?

neutering responsible spaying

Why is spaying and neutering such an important part of responsible companion-animal care?


Many people don’t realize that millions of unwanted animals are killed every year simply because they are homeless. Pet births are a ticket to misery and death for the mother and litter—and they’re so easily preventable by spaying and neutering. So let’s do our part! Plus, a spayed or neutered pet is less aggressive and less prone to certain health problems. There is simply no excuse for not having this simple operation done as early as possible. Tell us about your decision not to wear fur. I never had any desire to wear fur. My parents’ generation “oohed” and “ahhed” over pelts, but mine has a very different attitude. As a child, whenever a relative proudly showed me her furs, I’d refuse to touch it and scold, “That comes from a cute bunny or fox!” Growing up in the ’80s and ’90s, I learned about the cruelty of wearing animals from my peers and the media. And I’m optimistic that the next generations will be even more anti-fur. As a fashion icon, do you find that people put pressure on

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.