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Why not simply eliminate unproven weapons systems like missile defense to meet the militarys needs?


Why not simply eliminate unproven weapons systems like missile defense to meet the militarys needs?


Eliminating “unproven” weapons systems means eliminating any new system. Sealing the military off from technological advancements is no way to prepare to meet future risks. As for missile defense, it’s needed now more than ever. The number of “nuclear” nations has grown from nine countries in 1972 to 27 as of the fall of 2007. Extensive war-gaming has shown that in such a widely proliferated world, missile defense serves to stabilize international relations, reducing the risk of nuclear warfare. • Why 4 percent of GDP on defense? Why not more or less? Defending America may well require more. Indeed, several well-informed lawmakers, as well as defense-savvy organizations-such as the Military Officers Association of America, The Military Coalition, Aerospace Industries Association, The Navy League, and American Enterprise Institute-have all called for a commitment of 4 percent or more. Heritage has documented a huge funding shortfall of at least $100 billion per year which, if added to c

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.