Why right to electricity should not be a fundamental right ?
While your question is somewhat confusing, it appears to ask why all do not have a right to electricity, and politicians award control to a few. The answer to that is simple: First, it should be available to all. It is a natural resource that belongs to the people. Tax dollars, or monopoly creating legislation is usually used to vest the right to harness and distribute in a few. While harnessing and distribution costs money, political corruption usually results in abuses – to create wealth for those entrusted with the duty to serve (lead) us. Thus, if tax dollars develop, harness, and distribute – it belongs to all, not those elected to represent us. If private industry is entrusted to develop, harness, and distribute – they are entitled to earn a profit on their investment, and service. However, limiting legislation (creating monopolies on who can engage in such activity – usually limited to those that somehow profit those in government office at the time) is a breach of fiduciary dut