Why the prices of gold and silver affected by the fluctuations in international crude oil price?
hello friend my name is Sumit Chatterjee. The price of precious metals that u r talking about have high value owing to high demand, limited supply and snob appeal effet.But Crude oil produces petrol which again is blak gold.Here the the price is judged by it’s use value or based on the value of it’s utility. Also the black gold or petrol could also be assumed to have Snob appeal as it is today more costly owing to it’s limited stock which is again true in the case of both these metals.Hence if Crude price rises the prices of gold and silver on an average could fall as crude supply falls and it being vital becomes more precious. Further, demand for precious metals also depends upon prices of other metals demand and their use value as Platinum,changes in taste and preference to some other consumable,consumption rate of these etc.