Why We Love This Enchanting Puffball Take in the white fluffy puffball coat, the big dark eyes and button nose along with the clown-like merriment, who can resist the Bichon Frise?
A happy Bichon looks to always have a smile, twinkling eyes, tail plumed over the back, and is ready to give with lots of doggie kisses for his/her owners. These little puffballs are truly an in-your-face kind of dog and nothing makes them as mindlessly happy as being with their family. Bichons are very loyal and protective of their owners and can be avid little watchdogs. These little dogs are intelligent and alert and bark for a reason. Bichons are also very good family dogs especially with families that may have allergies, as Bichons are hypoallergenic and do not shed. Bichons are gentle and tolerant with children and watch over them and love to play of course. Something unique to the Bichon is blitzing and referred to as the “Bichon Blitz”. When a Bichon is so full of excitement and happiness that cannot be contained he/she will run as fast as they can doing little jumps and spritz’s in the air. It is truly amazing to watch this and the little Bichon will get everyone involved with