Will the Plame Affair Lead to a Hutton Style of Inquiry?
by Mary The Plame Affair (or Plame Game as I sometimes like to think of it) could have the same effect on Bush’s administration as Andrew Gilligan’s report on BBC did on Blair’s government. Back in June when Andrew Gilligan reported that Blair’s communication director had sexed up the September dossier, no one ever thought it would lead to a complete and total airing of how the Blair government manipulated the intelligence in order to drag Britain into a war against the will of the public and against the advice of their intelligence experts. The Hutton Inquiry was a model of how a democratic inquiry should run, on a fast schedule that did not allow people to delay or obstruct and with a public website updated every day with the new evidence that had been presented. Compare this with the 9/11 inquiry which after months, now dragging into years, has yet to have much to show for their efforts. (For my interim summary of the Blair Affair, click here.) There are some interesting parallels w