Will the U.S. dollar collapse?
On October 6th, 2009, the United Nations called for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar. The Obama Administration has printed so much more money that the existing supply is worth continually less. It is a weak, thinned out, and watered down economy. Furthermore, existing goods and services will quickly absorb the excess money supply and inflation will rise to record levels. It is quite obvious that all of this is being done intentionally to bring forth new one-world electronic money. This will be the Beast system as mentioned in Revelation, chapter 13. According to the London Daily Telegraph on October 2nd, 2009, the World Bank will run out of money within twelve months. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Yes, we are that close to the end. The signs of the times are everywhere. Many people have noticed that stores of every kind have been greatly cutting back on inventory because they just don’t have the money to buy much. A prime example of the severity of the problem is the large fl