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Would it be safer to drink the water of the western hemisphere or in the eastern hemisphere?

Posted Glen Moore edited answer

Would it be safer to drink the water of the western hemisphere or in the eastern hemisphere?

Glen Moore0 Glen Moore edited answer

It’s interesting, I’ve never thought about it before. All I remember from the geography lesson is that the hemisphere is half a sphere. And that there are Northern and southern hemispheres. But your post made me Google and read more about it, so thank you for sharing these thoughts. In any case, recently the water quality around the world has become very low. If earlier you could hear that someone is drinking tap water, now few people do it. Because it can negatively affect human health. My body immediately responds to bad water and I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Therefore, we decided to buy a water filter in order not only to drink good water, but also to use it in cooking. So, there is a lot of information about filters here and if someone is looking for a water filter like us, you can read more about it.


In both hemishperes you can find sources with poor quality water. It’s tough to answer in what hemisphere the water is better.

John Doe

I think so. Boiling watter helps to purify it from any patogenes. On the other hand, as man before me mentioned, a good filter can solve all of the other problems.


Well, if you use a proper wather filter, you can drink water in every part of the world, I think.


Assuming a beverage is safe in one hemisphere it will be safe to drink in the other as well.

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