x86 PC platforms do not have an eeprom.What does sneep use on Solaris x86?
Solaris x86 has an eeprom emulation which is managed in a file by the “eeprom” command. [Unless something has changed, the filename is /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc. By default, the simulated eeprom does not have an “nvramrc” variable, but “eeprom” is willing to create one for sneep. Note that many x86/x64 platforms provide hardware support for the serial number which is accessible using “smbios” or “ipmitool”. If possible, sneep will get the serial from these data sources and will use it to reload the simulated eeprom automatically. Because Solaris has this simulated eeprom, you can use sneep for the same tags and in the same way that you use it on other systems. Just be aware that the values are not really stored in eeprom, and are “lost” if the file system is badly damaged or recreated. Note that if you have been using the “explorer” tool, the sneep backup file will be saved as part of any explorer files which you may have archived. Restoring that file ( etc/default/SUNWsneep ) will imme