You say we recycle #1 and #2 plastic, but there are a lot of food containers at the Bistro labeled #1 that are thrown away. Why aren they being recycled?
Plastic recycling is carried out by several methods: Burning under the influence of high temperature in a special chamber in an airless space. Not all types of plastic are recyclable. People may not know how to properly dispose of it and throw it away. In this case, you can contact They take the waste from your house and recycle all the waste. It is the best you can do with not much effort.
Clark’s program recycles only #1 and #2 plastic bottles with narrow necks, because there is a large volume of these items available for collection and recycling, and because a strong market exists for these specific types of plastic. Even though the Bistro containers are labeled with #1, the plastic has a slightly different chemical composition than a #1 plastic bottle due to the manner in which it was manufactured. This slight chemical difference becomes very important when plastic is recycled. If the individual containers in a batch of plastic being melted for recycling aren’t identical in chemical composition, the product being made from the recycled plastic may be flawed and the manufacturer won’t be able to sell it. For an explanation of why we can’t just collect and recycle Bistro containers separately, please see “Why don’t we recycle more types of items?” below.
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