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What are the symptoms of epilepsy in children?


What are the symptoms of epilepsy in children?


Before receiving a proper diagnosis of epilepsy, children often display certain symptoms, which can alert the parent or guardian of a problem. Diagnosing epilepsy often begins with a parent or guardian describing symptoms to a doctor.CollapsingChildren with epilepsy can suddenly collapse or faint as the result of an epileptic seizure.ConvulsionsConvulsions in a child can indicate an epileptic seizure. Epileptic seizure activity can include jerking motions, muscle spasms and breathing difficulties.Memory LossEpileptic seizures can cause a child to lose memory for periods of time. Children often have no memory of time periods in which epileptic seizures occur.Uncontrollable Body Movements or FunctionsEpilepsy can cause a child to display uncontrollable movements or bodily functions, including lip smacking, chewing, clapping, breath holding or loss of bladder control.Sudden Look of FearA sudden, unexplained look of fear in a child can indicate the child feels something strange occurring w

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