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What are the causes of allergies in children?


What are the causes of allergies in children?


The number of American children with food allergies increased 18 percent between 1997 and 2007. As of 2010, an estimated 6 to 8 percent of children have food allergies. The precise cause of food allergies in children is unknown. However, several causes have been proposed.Immature Gastrointestinal TractFor a food allergy to develop, the allergen (a particle to which a person becomes allergic) must reach the bloodstream, causing the immune system to over-react. Because infants have more permeable GI tracts and less efficient digestion than adults, in-tact allergens are more likely to reach the bloodstream and cause allergy.Hygiene HypothesisChildren who are raised on farms, in third-world countries, who live with older siblings or attend daycare are less likely to develop allergies. Scientists believe the less-developed immune systems of children raised in very clean environments may respond inappropriately to benign substances, leading to allergy.Maternal InfluenceHigh consumption rates

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