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  1. Comb jellyfish are not only beautiful with their 80 or more limbs, but they can regenerate any body part including their brain. Not only can they generate their own new body parts, but parts which have been severed can regenerate becoming a whole new jellyfish.  Extensive jellyfish research is undergoing in the Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s arena. 

    A Snail Fur is a tiny marine creature so small it is often referred to as a “living hair”. Each Snail Fur has 1 foot, a trunk and a head at the end of a long tentacle. The Snail Furs often lose their heads to hungry predators. No problem! Just give them 3 or 4 days and their heads regenerate good as new. Scientists are isolating their genes hopeful of finding similar genes hibernating-dormant in humans.

    A conch is a large edible algae eating Snail. Their shells are coveted as treasures by folks who hold them to their ears listening to the ocean sounds which seem to  dwell within. A conch has eyes at the end of tentacles too long to withdraw safely within their shell. Of course they lose their eyes repetitively, but within 2 weeks they have regenerated their eyes whole and fully functional.

    The axolotl a type of salamander is one of the most endangered creatures on the globe. Sought as a delicacy the little axolotl can now only be found in Lake Xochimilco in Mexico. The axolotl can regenerate limbs, tails, lower jaws, spinal columns and organs including hearts and brains. They achieve their regeneration by creating new neurons and nerve connections.

    A flat worm cut into pieces 2 or even 3 regenerates. Where once there was one, there soon will be two or more. Please don’t cut a worm in tiny pieces because cut into tiny pieces even the flat worm dies. This could be considered as an extreme example of asexual reproduction.

    Live sponges are not plant life. They are marine creatures that function without organs. No hearts, kidneys, livers or other vital organs. An injured living sponge losing body mass regenerates that mass. Sponge pieces broken off struggle, making an extreme effort to reassemble. Once assembled they create a brand new sponge. This assembly and recreation is a type of asexual reproduction known scientifically as the “gemmule formation”.

    Spiders regenerate new legs as long as they are young enough to molt (shed and grow new skin). Once they reach an age where molting is no longer possible their regeneration abilities are lost. As adults if a spider loses a leg it is a permanent loss.

    Sea Cucumbers feeling trapped or fearful of death expel their internal body parts as a sticky goo entangling the intruder. Once safety is established they regenerate these parts returning to wholeness. 

    Pig Bladder concoctions both powdered and injectable have been scientifically proven to regenerate human fingertips and large muscle masses.

    Tadpoles can regenerate lost tails, however adult frogs cannot regenerate lost legs.

    An octopus can regenerate lost arms.

    A starfish not only regenerates a lost limb, but the lost limb itself regenerates a whole new starfish much like a jellyfish.

    Newts, lizards, salamanders, skinks and many other reptiles and amphibians can regenerate lost limbs and tails.

    Large mammals like deer, elks, antelopes and moose regenerate antlers year after year. Broken antlers and horns, regrow like fingernails do.

    The difference between regeneration and regrowth is  explained by revealing that in the regeneration process a completely new cell mass complete with neuron connections forms. In regrowth an extention of an existing part grows. 




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