Rolling Over and Sitting Up

Rolling Over and Sitting Up

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  1. From the moment your baby is born, she begins to hit a new milestones with every single day.  As you watch each new day unfold, you may be wondering at what age your baby should be hitting the most important milestones like rolling over and sitting up.  Every baby is different, but most babies tend to start hitting these milestones around the same age.

    Rolling Over
    Most babies begin to roll over at around 2 to 3 months old, but some babies can roll over as early as two weeks.  Never leave a baby unattended on a changing table or other surface no matter how young she is. Generally, a baby will first roll over from her stomach to her back.  The rollover can often occur unexpectedly as a result of a baby’s arm or leg movement, and the sudden movement may startle or even frighten your baby. At around the age of 5 to 6 months old, she will have developed the muscle strength to roll over from her back to her tummy.

    Pushing Up
    At around the age of 4 months old, most babies are beginning to develop more muscle tone in the arms and neck muscles. As a result, when you place your baby on her stomach, she can now begin to push herself up with her arms and lift her head to look around. "Tummy time" each day is important for a baby to develop this skill.  Make sure you give her a fun toy or interesting book to look at so she enjoys her tummy exercise.

    Sitting Up
    Around the age of 5 to 7 months, your little baby will begin to have better control of her neck and back muscles.  Her stomach muscles are also more developed, so she can now that are up and look the world around her.  She will be happy with her new outlook on the world, and with a pillow for support, she will have a safe landing when she topples over.

    Make sure you set aside some floor time each day so your baby can practice these skills and hit her milestones!

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