After divorce, how do majority of parents react to custody arrangements?
How is child … Divorce Source: Articles: Child Custody & Visitation … the divorce when child custody … after the parents filed for divorce. Eleanore E. Maccoby & Robert H. Mnookin/ Hardcover Read more about this title… Your Right to Child Custody … Child Custody And Divorce Free Legal Advice. Attorney, Advice, Support … After discussing divorce, we’ll move into the child custody area. I think it’s important, when discussing (or even trying to understand) child custody law, to remember that it … Divorce Source: After Divorce A state specific divorce web site providing information and referrals for people facing and experiencing issues revolving around divorce, separation, child custody, support … Virginia Child Custody Laws Divorce Father Lawyers Attorneys Fairfax … Child Custody after Divorce In Virginia. In the past, it was customary for the Virginia courts to award custody of young children (about 5 years old or younger) to the mother when …
Typically, the parents abide by the court-ordered arrangements for custody. However, it is not uncommon for the terms to change shortly thereafter the divorce due to change in lifestyles (i.e., re-marrying, financial problems, ect.). Original custody arrangements/orders can be modified through the court, so long as a significant change in circumstance has occurred, and the parent or parents can substantiate that change.