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After twelve months, does the operator have one year of experience as a water treatment operator?


After twelve months, does the operator have one year of experience as a water treatment operator?


No, because the operator only works four hours per day as an operator; therefore, the operator has only six months of operations experience. System Types: Certification is divided into four system types: water treatment, water distribution, wastewater treatment and wastewater collection. A water treatment system means devices, structures, and equipment used to condition, purify, or refine water for human consumption, and does not include a groundwater supply treated only with chlorine. Typical components of a water treatment system might include coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, reverse osmosis, fluoridation units, softening units, and disinfection units. Time that an operator spends operating, inspecting, and adjusting the components of a water treatment system is counted as water treatment experience. A water distribution system means post-treatment storage facilities, conduits, mains, lines, pumping stations, or other devices used to carry water to the consumer,

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.