Are birth defects more common in the children of parents with kidney diseases?
Most babies are normal, and this is also the case for children born to parents if one of them has kidney disease. There is some research suggesting that there may be a higher miscarriage rate in kidney patients, especially in women with kidney transplants, but the babies that are born do not have a rate of birth defects higher than in normal people. Drugs are used to treat people with kidney problems, and there is often concern that the drugs might cause birth defects. Research has been carried out with all the commonly used drugs in kidney patients; problems do not seem to occur commonly. However, if a pregnancy is to be planned, it is sensible to ask your doctor in advance about any changes in drug therapy that might be sensible. Some of the newer anti-rejection drugs have not been in use long enough to be sure of their safety in pregnancy. Check with your doctors for the most up to date information.