Are there any free, public-domain, or other general-access software repositories that contain Ada source code and information on reuse?
There are a number of them, among them PAL (the Public Ada Library), AdaBasis, and ELSA, described below. Public Ada Library (formerly Ada Software Repository) Formerly the Ada Software Repository (ASR), the Public Ada Library (PAL) is a collection of programs, components, tools, general information, and educational materials; taking up hundreds of megabytes, it contains the source code for hundreds of distinct items as documented in its Master Index. Previously housed on the SIMTEL20 host computer, it is now located at Washington University at St. Louis’s host ( — which had been a mirror site for the ASR). The PAL is available for anonymous FTP, directory: The PAL has its own FAQ, a copy of which is stored in directory which stores the FAQ files posted to news.answers. AdaBasis AdaBasis consists of about 560 MB public domain source code and documents, mainly taken from